Tegucigalpa$526625$ - translation to Αγγλικά
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Tegucigalpa$526625$ - translation to Αγγλικά

American School in Tegucigalpa; American school of tegucigalpa; Escuela Americana de Tegucigalpa

n. Tegucigalpa, Hauptstadt von Honduras


Central American Common Market
A first effort to establish a Central American Common Market, CACM (Spanish: Mercado Com_n Centroamericano, MCCA) was attempted in 1960 under the auspeices of the Organiztion of Central American States (OCAS). A restructuring was started in 1973. Members include Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The common market will cover all products traded within the region by the end of 1992. A second step toward regional integration will be the establishment of a common external tariff. CACM is associated with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration; headquarters are in Guatemala City, Guatemala. See: Central American Bank for Economic Integration


American School of Tegucigalpa

The American School of Tegucigalpa (or AST; Spanish: Escuela Americana de Tegucigalpa) is a private, coeducational international school located in the neighbourhood of Lomas del Guijarro, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

AST is accredited by the Honduran Ministry of Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and the International Baccalaureate Organization. The Honduran Ministry of Education grants the national degree of Bachillerato to students who comply with additional credits and earn 160 hours of community service.